Cleaning Your CZ Jewelry

Keeping your CZ jewelry clean will keep it looking brilliant and luminous. Be sure to remove your cz jewelry before swimming, showering, doing rough housework or handling products like lotion, soap or perfume. Finally, store your cz jewelry separately to avoiding scratching. By taking these precautions you will keep your cubic zirconia jewelry sparkling and will rarely need to worry about cleaning it. If however you have neglected to do so in the past, cleaning your cz jewelry now will revive its beauty. By taking these simple steps, your CZ jewelry will dazzle day in and day out:


Purchase quality, ammonia free liquid jewelry cleaner. It’s particularly important to use ammonia free cleaner as ammonia can damage your CZ. If you’re unsure which brand to buy, ask your jeweler to recommend one. Soak your CZ jewelry in liquid cleaner from time to times, as needed.   As a general rule of thumb, it’s best to do so when you notice its brilliance begin to fade.


Your liquid jewelry cleaner will most likely come with a small, soft jewelry brush. If it doesn’t, purchase one. After soaking your CZ jewelry, take a few minutes to brush the stones and the setting, particularly the hard to reach areas. Polish Between cleanings, polish your cubic zirconia jewelry with a chamois cloth or cotton towel. This will keep your jewelry looking beautiful and require less soaking and brushing.

Have It Done Professionally

It’s a good idea to have your CZ jewelry cleaned professionally from time to time. This is a great opportunity to have your jeweler check for loose settings and to get your CZ jewelry sparkling clean.

Invest in a Birkat Elyon Sparkle Spa Pro® Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner

At Birkat Elyon we proudly offer our Spa Pro® Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner. This professional grade jewelry cleaner can be used to clean your finest diamond and CZ jewelry. Your Spa Pro® Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner will soak, scrub and polish your favorite jewelry for you. Using the patented Sparkle Pak® solution, your ultrasonic tank will get your jewelry looking like it did the day you received it. Learn more about our exclusive Birkate Elyon Spa Pro® Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner offer.

Taking the time to care for and clean your CZ jewelry will ensure that it lasts a lifetime. Have more questions about caring for and selecting superior cubic zirconia jewelry? We encourage you to follow the Birkat Elyon Blog and peruse our collection of high-quality CZ jewelry. As always, share your questions and comments below.